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Election Day Bake Sale - Nov 2, 2021
10/29/2021 5:47 pm
Our Cambridgeport community is just amazing - the Morse School staff, the Morse families, and our neighbors. In less than a week, we all came together and pulled off an amazing bake sale that resulted in a larger than anticipated fundraise and a ton of fun!
Drop-off time was insane. So many families dropping off baked goods and the before work rush at the polls. Banana bread, apple cake, traditional Catalonian marzipan cookies, Brazilian cheese muffins, everything pumpkin + chocolate you can imagine, applesauce cookies, zucchini/choc chip muffins, gluten free carrot cake, vegan vanilla donuts, chocolate chocolate cake, carmelitas, and so many more goodies! Thank you all for taking time from your day to bake these goodies!
We had a steady stream of visitors throughout the day, including teachers and staff and parents. We met so many voters who had such fond memories of attending the Morse themselves, or of their children attending the Morse. We met one woman who graduated from the Morse in 1965!
The other incredibly memorable moment of the day was getting to watch Mr. K's JK class take advantage of their "outdoor classroom" - including the new picnic table provided by FMS just a few weeks ago. Singing the ABC song while swaying back and forth with their arms around each other - pure joy. This is the very definition of the Why behind what we do.
I'd be remiss if I didn't recognize our amazing volunteers who staffed the table all day, starting at 6 am! Friends of the Morse School is fully led by volunteers - whether parents, guardians, or caregivers. We are grateful for all that you do and look forward to many more fun events and activities together to build our community and support our students and staff.
Be sure to check out the rest of our website to see what else we are up to and how you can get involved.
- Tuesday, November 2, 2021
- Set-up starts at 6 am
- Polls open at 7 am
- We will keep the table open until we run out of baked goods!
Where: Morse School Entryway
Make and individually seal baked goods in baggies or plastic wrap. Please include a list of ingredients. Vegan/allergen free items welcome! Drop off on Monday, Nov 1 at the front desk between 2:30 pm - 5 pm, or at the table during the bake sale.
Thank you to all our awesome volunteers!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook (@FriendsOfTheMorseSchool) for posts of happenings throughout the day.
Let your friends and neighbors know to stop by, even if they are voting elsewhere or voted early.
...I can't individually wrap the baked goods.
...I don't have baking supplies.
...I need a ride to the school to volunteer.
...[insert your comment here].
Contact us, or talk with Elaine at the front desk, and we will provide support.