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Winter Clothing Exchange 2021
11/17/2021 9:29 pm
The Winter Clothing Exchange for the 2021-22 has ended. Thank you to everyone who donated items (nearly 75 in total) and our volunteers who organized the event!
We gave away more than 2/3rd of the items collected to families in the community and to teachers so they can have "extras" available in their classrooms. The remaining items were donated to the New England Epilepsy Foundation.
Based on requests from several families, we are also planning a spring/summer clothing exchange!
To find out the details when they become available:
- Sign up for our email list
- Follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram (@FriendsOfTheMorseSchool)
- Check out our calendar
Winter is coming...let's clean out our closets, save money and mother earth, and care for our community in one fell swoop. It's time for a Winter Clothing Exchange! Read on for details.
But first...here's a recap of the first Exchange on Dec 18, contributed by our very own Victoria Junor:
- Ongoing collection! (previously, collection ended on Jan 7 - this date has been extended)
- Weekdays, during school hours
- Morse School front entrance, beneath the awning
- Please sort items into the designated bins
Type of items:
- Snow pants, jackets, sweaters/sweatshirts, jackets, boots, and gloves/scarves
- Kids sizes only please.
- Friday, February 11
- 8-10 am
Where: Morse School, picnic tables by the JK/K wing (look for the balloons!)
Additional details:
- Lost and found items from the school will be out for browsing and retrieving in addition to the winter clothing
- Coffee and snacks will be available!
- If your student could use some items, but you can't attend in person, email hello@friendsofmorse.org, or the school front desk to place a request.
All Morse School community members are invited to participate!
Donations are NOT required in order to take items that your family needs.
For anything else, contact us, or talk with Elaine at the front desk, and we will provide support.