School Councils Ad Hoc Subcommittee (Virtual)
There will be a Virtual Meeting of the SchoolCouncils Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:30 p.m., for the purposeof discussingSchool Improvement Plan Protocols andGuidelines. This meeting is expected toend by or before 8:00 p.m.
Individuals must sign up in advance to provide public comments for theSchool Council Ad Hoc Subcommittee. The sign-up window is Friday, January 24through Tuesday, January 28 by 1:30 PM (by phone) and 6:00 PM (online).
To register for public comment:
·Visit the School Committee online portal:
·Or contact the School Committee office at617.349.6620.
To view the meeting:
·By Livestream: Cambridge Education Access TV(CEATV) Channel 26
·By Zoom:
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19