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Classroom Parent Program
8/17/2022 10:09 pm
ππ Simply Amazing. We have one (or more) Classroom Parents for Every. Single. Classroom! ππ
Thank you to everyone who volunteered, and a big thank you to FMS Board Member Angela R. who took the initiative to drive the revival of this program. We can't wait to see what this group of engaged parents and caregivers brings to our school community.
[Download the Classroom Parent How To Guide PDF]
What is the Classroom Parent Program?
Our teachers are beyond busy. They are asked to do a lot and expect a lot of themselves. But it is always nice to have someone on call to lend a hand for when things come up like...
....desperately needing a supply closet organized
....someone to bring snacks to a family event in the classroom
....somehow finding 20 shoes boxes in 3 days for a diorama project.
The Classroom Parent Program is a volunteer opportunity to ensure that our Morse School teachers have the support they want for situations like these, and many others!
Our goal is to connect parents and teachers so we have teachers who feel supported, involved caregivers and parents, and a classroom that runs smoothly and successfully with the support of the community.
All Morse School teachers are invited to participate! For teachers who want the support, identify one or two parents or caregivers who have students in the classroom to serve as designated Classroom Parents.
How to volunteer as parents/caregivers? Please consider volunteering! Let your student's teacher know that you want to help, or email Angela, FMS Chair of the Classroom Parent Program (angelika@friendsofmorse.org).
So, what do I actually have to do?
Specifics will vary based on classroom and teacher needs and preferences, but generally, here are the expectations:
π Parent/Caregiver Volunteers:
- Offer support to the teacher, and respond quickly when they put out a request
- Be the glue that brings together the community of families with students in the classroom
- Gather and share information
- Participate in teacher requested projects
- Organize family gatherings
π Teachers:
- Spend a small amount of time with your volunteer(s) upfront to get to know them and set expectations
- Determine where and how you could use assistance from your volunteer(s)
And that's it! The effort can be as large or small as you make it. And the return should be outsized.
π Caregiver/Parent Volunteers:
- Have fun!
- Get to know the families in your classroom
- Build a close bond with your student's classmates and teacher
- Get an extra $100 from FMS to fund family gatherings
π Teachers:
- Have support readily available for a variety of needs
- Get help wrangling parents and caregivers and streamlining classroom communications
- And don't forget you always have FMS support beyond what you get from your Classroom Parent ($$, volunteers, and other resources)! Contact Angela, FMS Chair of the Classroom Parent Program (angelika@friendsofmorse.org) for further details.
Not ready to be a classroom parent, but want to stay involved? Follow along by:
- Signing up for our email list
- Following us on Facebook and/or Instagram (@FriendsOfTheMorseSchool)