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Fall Clothing Exchange 2022
9/2/2022 8:29 am
🌟🙌 Due to an amazingly generous volume of donations, the Fall Clothing Exchange has been extended to Friday, Sep 23rd. 🙌🌟
🍁 Fall is coming and the temps will be dropping. We know the kiddos outgrew their clothes over the summer. And Nurse Emma needs some extra clothing to have on hand for when unexpected things happen.
Let's clean out our closets, save money and mother earth, and care for our community in one fell swoop. It's time for a Fall Clothing Exchange! Read on for details.
- Weekdays, during school hours
- Starting Monday, September 12
- Morse School front entrance, beneath the awning
- Please put items in the designated bins
Type of items:
- Kids sizes for ages 5-12 only please
- New or gently used pants, shorts, socks, shoes, shirts, dresses, skirts, sweatshirts, leggings, headbands; please clean items before donating!
- New underwear donations for Nurse Emma to have on hand for those unexpected occurrences
- Monday, September 12 - Friday, September 23
- Weekdays, during school/after-school hours
Where: Morse School front entrance, under the awning
Additional details:
If your student could use some items, but you can't attend in person, email hello@friendsofmorse.org or the school front desk to place a request.
All Morse School community members are invited to participate!
Donations are NOT required in order to take items that your family needs.
For anything else, contact us, or talk with Elaine at the front desk, and we will provide support.
Want to stay up-to-date with other FMS events and activities?
• Contact us: hello@friendsofmorse.org
• Social media: @friendsofthemorseschool on Facebook and Instagram
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