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International Festival & Potluck - Nov 15, 2024
11/10/2024 8:02 pm
We ate. We played. We danced. We connected.
The 2024 FMS International Festival & Potluck was EPIC!
Let's start with...the FOOD! Families brought more than 50 delicious dishes spanning Taiwanese, Indonesian, German, Jewish, Hungarian, Chinese, Indian, Mexican, Brazilian, Cajun, Kazakh, Ethiopian, Greek, Irish, Persian, and Spanish cuisine and more. There were even some good old American favorites like takeout pizza, mac & cheese, and broccoli casserole. And don't forget about Ms. E's homemade pickles! Can you think of anywhere else with this kind of variety?
Next up...the ACTIVITIES! New event co-chairs Hannah and Briana brought their best creative thinking to the event planning. We had Scottish Highland Games with caber tossing & haggis hurling (yes, you read that correctly). We had Gaga ball and soccer. There were also less physical options including a global tea & Mexican hot chocolate tasting, face painting, a tattoo station, mask making, "Where I'm From" poem writing, Arabic calligraphy, cultural stations, biking around the world, Spanish guitar & songs, and Chinese shadow puppets.
And the whole event ended with a terrific performance by Bollywood fusion team MIT Mirchi, followed by a raffle giveaway. Thanks to Trader Joe's for donating the raffle items.
THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered, cooked, and participated in this year's event. My heart is still warm thinking about the vibes and experience.
Check out the Instagram Reel. ❤
You're invited!
When: Friday, November 15, 2024
Time: 6-8 pm (set-up at 5 pm; clean up until 8:30 pm)
Where: Morse School
The International Festival is an annual celebration of our diverse Morse School community, organized by the Friends of the Morse School.
>>REWIND! Watch the Instagram Reel from the 2023 Event
The International Festival and Potluck is one of Morse School’s most beloved events and it takes a village to put on! There are many ways that you can help.
We need lots of volunteers to help manage the food tables, staff the activities, set up, and clean up. Most volunteer slots are only 30 min. You will have plenty of time to enjoy the event with your family!
Bring a dish to share that represents your culture or family.
🍽 Cook something, buy something, whatever works for you!
🍽 Bring the food with you when you arrive between 5:45 - 6pm if possible. If the dish should be served warm, please bring it already heated. We are not able to warm dishes on site. Please do NOT drop off early.
🍽 Volunteers will show you where to put your dish when you arrive.
🍽 Serving utensils will be provided. Plates and bowls will be provided for attendees.
🍽 We recommend bringing enough food for 8-10 servings.
🍽 Print & fill out this ingredient card in advance, or grab one when you arrive.
Cultural displays. Tea tasting. Henna tattoos. Mask craft. Haggis hurling competition. Write your name in different languages. And more! Kids earn raffle tickets for participating. Raffle winner(s) will be selected after the entertainment.
>> Volunteers needed to staff the activities!
We are excited to announce the performance for this year is MIT Mirchi (MIT's premier, competitive, Bollywood-fusion dance team)! The performance will begin at 7 pm.
>> Interested in sponsoring all or part of the entertainment? Email derek@friendsofmorse.org
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• Contact us: hello@friendsofmorse.org
• Social media: @FriendsOfTheMorseSchool on Facebook and Instagram
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