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Morse Marathon - Nov 9, 2021
11/9/2021 6:08 pm
Ready....set....let's go!
NOTE: The next Morse Marathon should be in the fall of 2023. Check back in the fall for details!
The 2021 Morse Marathon was a HUGE success. The kids had the most beautiful day, even in early November, and we raised $7,500 for FMS. THANK YOU to all our supporters and volunteers!
Most of you probably found this page because you are looking for details and logistics. Look no further. For anyone looking for information about what the event is and why we love it so much....keep scrolling.
Details & Logistics
When: Tuesday, October 26 November 9, 2021, 9-11 am (delayed due to rain)
This year, we will be running the marathon in two shifts: 9-10 AM (classrooms B8, D6, A4, C3, C2, E3, E8, & E5) and 10-11 AM(classrooms B6, B7, A6, A1, C1, C4, E6, & E7).
Where: Magazine Beach Park
How to Donate:
- Cash/Checks can be dropped at the Morse School front office
- Credit card via this website
- Our fundraising goal is $7,500 for this event. We raised nearly $7,000 for the last Morse Marathon, exceeding our goal of $5,000. Let's do this, team FMS! Learn more about what we do with the funds we raise. Thanks to previous fundraising, only a few weeks into the school year, we've been able to enhance the ability for the kids to eat or do activities outside by adding 12 picnic tables to the gardens, held a welcome back appreciation lunch for the staff, and supported one of our families with an urgent need.
Volunteering: we are officially oversubscribed with volunteers for this event! Well done everyone! Please be on the lookout for additional volunteer opportunities with FMS. Right now, we are looking for a few folks to help organize a Winter Clothing Exchange. Email hello@friendsofmorse.org to help.
>>>If you are a confirmed volunteer, here are the details:
Setup starts at 7:30am. Meet in front of school and head over from there. If you can’t make it at 7:30 then show up when you can and head directly to Magazine Beach. Someone will be there coordinating volunteers and will tell you what you can help with.
If you are NOT signed up for setup but can make it early please do so there can be more setup volunteers to help out.
For regular volunteering (meaning not setup) please meet directly at the field by 8:45am.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook (@FriendsOfTheMorseSchool), and sign up for our email list to make sure you have the latest info!
The Morse Marathon
The Morse Marathon is an annual school-wide fun run/walk that takes place at Magazine Beach Park along the Charles River. The event, which is organized by parents and teachers, is aimed at promoting fitness and community. It also helps to raise funds for the Friends of the Morse School, a volunteer organization of parents and caregivers that supports enriching learning experiences for our students. Staff and students from every grade level - Junior Kindergarten through Grade 5 - participate in the event.
Even with COVID safety protocols in place, the Spring 2021 Morse Marathon was a huge success! Some children ran or walked for over 20 laps on our quarter-mile "marathon" course and we together surpassed our goal of 1,891 laps (to honor the Morse School's founding in 1891). Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui joined the festivities, and each kid got a medal to take home. Plus there was an epic dance party after the marathon out on Magazine Beach Park.
We raised nearly $7,000 (our goal was $5,000). Please help us reach our fundraising goal of $7,500 this year - whether $5 or $500, every bit helps.