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FMS Movie Nights 2024-25
11/18/2024 5:47 pm
Enjoy the Show...from the comfort of the Morse School Auditorium! Join your Morse School and FMS friends for our monthly Movie Nights.
dates & movies
🎬 Friday, Oct 18 - My Neighbor TOTORO
BONUS! Mocktails will be available for purchase. Participate in the Costume Exchange!
🎬 Friday, Nov 8 - Luck
🎬 Friday, Jan 31 - Fantasia
🎬 Friday, Apr 4 - TBD
>> Remember to follow our calendar too!
What to expect
Time: 6-8 pm
Location: Morse School Auditorium
🍽️ 6-6:30 pm >> pizza available for purchase; cafeteria open for eating
👀 6:30-8 pm >> movie plays
Cost: admission is free! Food and snacks are available for purchase.
Frequently asked questions
Q1: Can I drop off my kid?
A1: No. Kids must be accompanied by a grownup.
Q2: Can we eat in the auditorium?
A2: No. Food and drink are not allowed in the auditorium.
Q3: What kind of payment is accepted for food purchases?
A3: We accept cash, check, and digital most forms of digital payment. Note that we cannot take Venmo. For digital purchases under $10, we ask people to cover the $0.40 processing fee.
Q4: What does the event cost?
A4: Admission to movie night is free! Pizza and snacks are available for purchase.
Q5: What type of food will be available for purchase?
A5: We typically have pizza by the slice as well as snacks like chips and granola bars. Snacks will vary.
Q6: Are drinks available for purchase?
A6: We often have juice boxes or similar, but these items tend to sell out quickly. We recommend bringing your own full water bottle from home. We do not sell bottles of water, but we do have cups families can use with the water fountain.
Q7: How much do the food items cost?
A7: $2 per slice of pizza, usually $1 for each additional item (snack or drink).
Q8: How do you select the movies?
A8: Our Friends of the Morse School volunteers looks at the approved list of movies from the school district, the list of movies available, and selects a movie we think the kids will enjoy. Sometimes we let the kids vote from a few choices.
Q9: Do you need any volunteers?
A9: We do need volunteers to sell pizza and snacks as well as minor set-up and clean-up help. Email us at hello@friendsofmorse.org to volunteer ahead of time, or just show up and help! Friends of the Morse School is always looking for volunteers to help plan our various events and activities throughout the year. Email us or come to a meeting to find out more!
Stay up-to-date with FMS events and activities!
• Contact us: hello@friendsofmorse.org
• Social media: @FriendsOfTheMorseSchool on Facebook and Instagram
• Calendar
Signing up is free and we don't collect dues; all donations are optional and appreciated. Our website and emails are available in any language supported by Google Translate. We send emails just once a week (usually).