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Spring Fair, Silent Auction, and Raffle 2022
5/22/2022 12:29 pm
Fun, sun, and bouncy castles! Well, we can definitely arrange the fun and the bouncy castle. Let's hope for sun. Rain or shine, the 2022 Morse School Spring Fair, Raffle, and Silent Auction is not to be missed.
Looks like we got what we wished for....plenty of sun and HOT ๐ฅต weather predicted for the Spring Fair on Sunday. Please remember to wear sunscreen and bring a reusable water bottle (even better if prefilled!).
YOU'RE INVITED: Sunday, May 22, 2022. 11 am-3 pm
The Spring Fair is an annual fun community event with carnival-like games, activities, and food held at the Morse School. As with most gatherings, it has been a few years since our last Spring Fair, and we are so excited to bring it back!
We are even more excited to share that there will be no entry fee this year! There will be bouncy houses, games and activities, raffle prizes, a silent auction, and food for purchase.
The Spring Fair is also a fundraiser for the Friends of the Morse School, our school's volunteer organization of parents and caregivers. All Morse School community members are invited to enjoy the Spring Fair. There is no need to participate in the silent auction or raffle in order to attend. We want everyone to come and hang out and have a great time, and hope to raise some money in the process!
Huge thanks to our many volunteers who staffed the event!
Come hang out, mingle with the community, and enjoy these fun activities!
๐ป Dunk "tank" (there's even a rumor that Dr. Leith will be one of the people getting "dunked"!)
๐ป Bounce house
๐ป Facepainting
๐ป Make a fairy house (we need natural materials for this activity - please see below to help)
๐ป Selfie station
๐ป Munchkin walk
๐ป Massachusetts Audubon Society will have a table (remember they now have a residence at Magazine Park too!)
๐ป The Cocoa Lady (who also contributed a recipe to our school cookbook)
๐ป and more...
raffle + silent auction
Please consider participating in our raffle and silent auction! FMS has made several big unplanned investments this school year (e.g. new picnic tables to facilitate outdoor eating, school cookbook in lieu of International Festival, our new mural, significantly increased community support, and more). This is a fun way to make a donation and help ensure we can continue to make these types of investments moving forward.
THANK YOU to all the local businesses, organizations, and community members who donated their goods, services, and talents! Even if you don't win, please consider prioritizing these organizations with your time and money in return.
๐ธ 1369 Coffee House - gift card
๐ธ All Hands Allston - $50 off an art class
๐ธ Alpine Restaurant Group (Posto, Burro Bar, Painted Burro, Rosebud) - gift card
๐ธ Athena Desai - 1 hr acupuncture session
๐ธ BerryLine - gift card
๐ธ Black Sheep Bagel Cafe - gift card
๐ธ Bren Bataclan - 16x20" original artwork from his Smile Project
๐ธ Charles River Canoe - boat, canoe, kayak, or paddleboard rental
๐ธ Clover - gift card
๐ธ Davis Farmland & David Mega Maze 2022 - 2-person daypass (two of them)
๐ธ Dunkin' Donuts - gift care
๐ธ Donut Villa Diner - gift card
๐ธ Flour Bakery - gift certificate
๐ธ Formaggio Kitchen - cheese cave tour and tasting
๐ธ Gallery 263, Ms. Photopoulos, and Ms. Connolly - art workshop at Gallery 263
๐ธ Good News Garage - $50 off any service
๐ธ Scarlet Sun Yoga - Group yoga session
๐ธ Lena Nugent Photography - photo session and digital images
๐ธ Lily Pad - Inman Square - gift card
๐ธ LR Designs - consultation for home renovation
๐ธ Lunch with Ms. Pennell!
๐ธ New City Microcreamery - gift card
๐ธ Storyland - 2 tickets
๐ธ Trader Joe's - junk food basket
๐ธ Wachusett Mountain - 2 Community Spirit Tickets: Limited Lift Tickets Valid for 2 Seasons ($146 value)
๐ธ Yaeko Tarot - tarot card reading session
๐ธ ...and more...
Food FOR SALE, raffle tickets, and auction payments
$2 each for pizza & hot dogs
$1 each for snacks & drinks
$2 each
$5 for 3 tickets
1. Cash preferred!
2. Virtual payment available - credit card, Apple Pay via phone or watch, etc. $0.40 processing fee added for credit payment under $10.
3. For the Auction, checks are also accepted - please make out to Friends of the Morse School
>> email hello@friendsofmorse.org
Remember, you can always support us by:
- Signing up for our email list
- Following us on Facebook and/or Instagram (@FriendsOfTheMorseSchool)
- Using our calendar for all our other events this spring!