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Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week 2022
3/5/2022 2:57 pm
May 2-6, 2022 was Teacher Appreciation Week
We gave a big THANK YOU to our superstar teachers and staff who guide our Morsels daily!
What we did
☕️ Tuesday, 5/3: Catered breakfast for all staff from local Black Sheep Bagels/ Market! Your Friends of Morse donations supported this breakfast, so thank you!
🥪 Friday, 5/6: Potluck luncheon
📝 Leave a note of appreciation anytime during the week:
In person >> write a note on the banner outside the school
Virtual option >> Write a note, poem, or whatever you like and include a photo, gif, drawing, etc. via Kudoboard
Organize something directly with your class, have your student write a personal note directly to the teachers and staff they appreciate
Questions? Comments? Want to get involved?
Contact us: hello@friendsofmorse.org
Social media: @friendsofthemorseschool on Facebook and Instagram
Signing up is free. Our website and emails are available in any language supported by Google Translate. We send emails just once a week (usually).
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, January 22
- Thursday, January 23