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Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week 2023
4/19/2023 9:53 pm
Lights, Camera, Appreciation!
We are so excited to show our appreciation to the Morse School VIPs - all the teachers and staff who guide our Morsels daily! We have a full week of activities planned. Check it out, along with ways to participate.
Potluck lunch sign-up Email to volunteer
Schedule of events
FMS Activities:
☕️ Monday, 5/8: Breakfast! Bagels, coffee, and more for the first act, donated by Black Sheep Market
🛍️ Wednesday, 5/10: Swag bags full of little luxuries (Deliver bags)
🥪 Friday, 5/12: VIP potluck lunch, showing how much our community cares through our food (Contribute food, staff the event, or donate flowers)
🤫 Tuesday, 5/9 and Thursday, 5/11: Classroom parents surprise project. Super duper top secret.
Family individual ACTIVITIES:
Say thanks and demonstrate your appreciation in your way throughout the week.
Here are some suggestions:
- Write a note or poem and send it in your Morsel's folder
- Draw a picture
- Send flowers, a gift card, or other small gift
- Send some Fan Mail (use our template)
(click on image to download template)
Ways to participate in the FMS activities
🛍️ Deliver swag bags on Wednesday (2-3 people, timing TBD)
🥪 Contribute food to the VIP potluck lunch (as many contributors as possible! Please sign-up to manage the various types of food)
🌹 Donate flowers for the VIP potluck lunch. We use them as decoration and then give them away to a few lucky teachers.
🤩 Staff the VIP potluck lunch on Friday (3-5 people, 11 am-1 pm)
🤫 Reach out to your classroom parent(s) to see if they could use support for their surprise project on Tuesday or Thursday.
Potluck lunch sign-up Email to volunteer
Questions? Comments? Want to get involved?
Contact us: hello@friendsofmorse.org
Social media: @friendsofthemorseschool on Facebook and Instagram
Signing up is free. Our website and emails are available in any language supported by Google Translate. We send emails just once a week (usually).