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Election Day Bake Sale - Nov 8, 2022
10/27/2022 5:47 pm
Wrap-up: November 8, 2022 Election Day Bake Sale
Our Cambridgeport community sure does ❤️ a good, old fashioned bake sale! FMS puts on and supports many amazing events each school year. I have to say that the bake sale is rapidly (and surprisingly) becoming one of my very favorite annual events. Raising money for FMS is almost secondary to the community engagement aspect of the event. Yes, we met our fundraising goal for this event, which is amazing. But we were able to reach that fundraising goal because of the generosity, support, and genuine love from our community. Here's what I mean:
🧁 Baked goods donations! Starting on Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday, members of the Morse school community dropped off baked goods that we could sell. They were beautiful and delicious and clearly baked with a lot of love. It takes a LOT of baked goods, $3 at a time, to raise a meaningful amount of money...but, we did it! It might have had something to do with the many varieties of apple cake, banana bread, and pumpkin muffins. It was impossible to pick just one to take home.
🧁 Volunteers! Election Day was also a teacher/staff in-service day, so our Morsels were not in school. Even so, we had 6-8 dedicated volunteers who found a way to make it work to help set up and/or staff the table. Some of our kiddos even helped staff the table!
🧁 Customers! Morse school graduates from 1966, 1978, and "the 1980s". Mayor Siddiqui. The Cambridge Election Commissioner. The parent who started the International Festival nearly 15 years ago (who was delighted to hear it remains a favorite annual event and our recent event was a huge success!). Sooooo many friends and neighbors came by the school and visited with our table. Most also came to vote, but a surprising number of people came by just to support the bake sale (probably because they had already voted or their polling place was elsewhere)! Everyone wanted to chat, and folks were very generous with their purchases.
THANK YOU to our entire Morse School and Cambridgeport community for your continued support and engagement with FMS and our school. We feel the love and return it in kind. See you at the next one!
Original post:
FMS Election Day Bake Sale is not only a fundraiser, it is also an amazing community building event.
The number of Cambridgeport community members who linger by the table to talk with us is overwhelming and heartwarming. Some reminisce about when their kids attended Morse and they were the ones behind the bake sale table. Others were former Morse students!
>> 2021 Bake Sale: recap and photos
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook (@FriendsOfTheMorseSchool) for posts of happenings throughout the day.
🧁 Tuesday, November 8, 2022
🧁 Set-up starts at 6 am
🧁 Polls open at 7 am
🧁 We will keep the table open until we run out of baked goods!
Where: Morse School Entryway
Baked goods drop-off:
🍪 Monday, November 7, 2022 - drop off at the school front office between 8 am - 5 pm
🍪 Tuesday, November 8, 2022 - drop off at the bake sale table at the school entryway
🍪 Please place individual baked goods portions into a sealed baggie or plastic wrap
🍪 Make sure any allergens or dietary preferences (e.g. vegan) are called out
Make and individually seal baked goods in baggies or plastic wrap. Please include a list of ingredients, especially common allergens. Vegan/allergen free items welcome! Drop off on Monday, Nov 7 at the school front desk between 8 am - 5 pm, or at the table during the bake sale.
If baking isn't an option, store bought baked goods are welcome. Or purchase some fresh fruit, larger items like bananas or apples, that we can offer to folks who aren't interested in a decadent treat.
Please consider staffing the table for an hour or two...especially on the earlier side between 6-10 am during the morning rush. Since there is no school, let your kids play on the playground while you help!
Let your Cambridgeport friends and neighbors know to stop by, even if they are voting elsewhere or voted early.
...I can't individually wrap the baked goods.
...I don't have baking supplies.
...I need a ride to the school to volunteer.
...[insert your comment here].
Contact us, or talk with Elaine at the front desk, and we will provide support.
Want to stay up-to-date with FMS events and activities?
• Contact us: hello@friendsofmorse.org
• Social media: @FriendsOfTheMorseSchool on Facebook and Instagram
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