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International Festival & Potluck - Nov 3, 2023

10/29/2023 11:43 am

You're invited! And you're invited! And you're invited! The whole Morse School community is invited to the International Festival & Potluck. 



When: Friday, November 3, 2023

Time: 6-8 pm (set-up at 5 pm; clean up until 8:30 pm)

Where: Morse School

Schedule of Events


Tell me more...

The International Festival is an annual celebration of our diverse Morse School community, organized by the Friends of the Morse School. It is perhaps the largest gathering of the community each year, featuring a potluck dinner, activities, and live entertainment. Bring a dish for the potluck that represents your family and/or culture. Volunteer to help the event run smoothly. Wear traditional clothing that represents your culture. Host a culture table. Participate in various activities, try lots of yummy new foods, and enjoy the entertainment!


>>REWIND! Check out the blog post about last year's event to learn more 


>>New this year! There will be a bonus chance for families to participate in the Scholastic Book Fair from 5-6:30 pm in the library during the Festival. 



💟 We need about 30 volunteers to help manage the food tables, staff the activities, set up, and clean up. Most volunteer slots are only 30 min. You will have plenty of time to enjoy the event with your family!



💟 Host a culture table! Last year, we had a few families and organizations ask to host a table to showcase their culture. It was an awesome addition to the event. We'd love to repeat the experience.

Email us at




Bring a dish to share that represents your culture or family. Sample dishes from around the world contributed by other Morse families!

🍽 Cook something, buy something, whatever works for you!

🍽 Bring the food with you when you arrive between 5:45 - 6pm if possible. If the dish should be served warm, please bring it already heated. We are not able to warm dishes on site. Please do NOT drop off early.

🍽 Volunteers will show you where to put your dish when you arrive.

🍽 Serving utensils will be provided.

🍽 We recommend bringing enough food for 8-10 servings.

🍽 Fill out this card ahead of time, or when you arrive. 



World Cup Soccer. Tattoo station. Collaborative art project. Musical flags. And more! Kids earn raffle tickets for participating.

>> Volunteers needed to staff the activities! SIGN UP HERE



A special live performance will happen after the potluck. Then, to cap off the evening, we will select a raffle winner! Must be present to win the raffle.

>> Interested in sponsoring all or part of the entertainment? Email 


Want to stay up-to-date with FMS events and activities?

• Contact us:

• Social media: @FriendsOfTheMorseSchool on Facebook and Instagram

• Email list sign up

• Calendar


Signing up is free and we don't collect dues; all donations are optional and appreciated. Our website and emails are available in any language supported by Google Translate. We send emails just once a week (usually). 


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