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Winter Clothing Exchange 2025
1/13/2025 5:24 pm
Be like a penguin and waddle on over to the FMS Winter Clothing Exchange! Donate what you can. Take what you can use.
(donation not required to participate)
Ways to get involved
1. Participate! Donate and/or take items for your kids.
2. Volunteer! We need folks to bring in the bins each day around 5 pm and to help keep the bins organized.
>> Email vanessa@friendsofmorse.org to volunteer, or to request items for your kids if you can't make it to school.
- January 13-31, 2025
- Weekdays only, during school hours (8 am-5 pm)
- Items will be available during the Winter Concert on Friday, Jan 24 and during Movie Night on Friday, Jan 31
- Morse School front entrance, beneath the awning
- Please sort items into the designated bins
Type of items:
- Snow pants, jackets, sweaters/sweatshirts, boots/shoes, gloves, hats, pants, leggings, skirts, dresses, long sleeve shirts, socks
- Kids sizes for preschool through 5th grade please
- Excellent used condition only. If you wouldn't give the items to friends or family members, please don't give it to your Morse family
Additional details:
- If your student could use some items, but you can't attend in person, email hello@friendsofmorse.org or the school front desk to place a request.
- Morse staff/teachers, please take what you need for your classrooms!
All Morse School community members are invited to participate!
Donations are NOT required in order to take items that your family needs.
For anything else, contact us, or talk with the front desk, and we will provide support.
Want to stay up-to-date with FMS events and activities?
• Contact us: hello@friendsofmorse.org
• Social media: @FriendsOfTheMorseSchool on Facebook and Instagram
• Calendar
Signing up is free and we don't collect dues; all donations are optional and appreciated. Our website and emails are available in any language supported by Google Translate. We send emails just once a week (usually).