The Notebook
Blog with all the details about FMS events and activities
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week 2023
4/19/2023 9:53 pm
And the award goes to......each and every one of our Morse School teachers and staff members! We have a week full of events to show our staff how much we appreciate them. Keep reading for all the details and a variety of ways to participate.
A Candid Conversation About Navigating Morse and Beyond
4/13/2023 10:20 pm
If you have a student at the Morse School, then you are a Friend of the Morse School. All Friends are invited to a special Parent to Parent (or Caregiver) IN PERSON event. A panel of experienced Morse parents / caregivers who have been part of the Morse School community for many years will talk about their experience and answer questions. Most panelists have at least one middle schooler as well as a current Morse student(s) of varying ages. Snacks will be provided. Babysitting is available for those who RSVP in advance.
It's an...UN-Fundraiser!
3/7/2023 3:29 pm
It's time for our second annual UN-Fundraiser! Nothing to sell. Nothing to bake or collect. Not even an event to attend. Please consider supporting Friends of the Morse School in staying on track with our fundraising this school year, so we can continue to hold awesome community building events and support our staff and students. Make your donation today!
Winter Clothing and Toy Exchange 2022
11/28/2022 3:29 pm
Why buy new? Need winter gear for your Morsels? Have winter gear that doesn't fit your kiddos anymore? Have any toys or games your kids are playing with anymore? Make earth-friendly and wallet-friendly decisions and support our community at the same time. Donate any winter gear, clothing, or toys you don't need, and take any items you can use. Open to the entire Morse School community. No need to donate to participate!
FMS Movie Nights 2022-23
11/28/2022 3:29 pm
Staying home on Friday nights is so 2021. Join your Morse School and FMS friends for our monthly Movie Nights! Admission is free. Pizza and snacks are available for purchase (cash and digital payment accepted). Kids must be accompanied by a grownup. See you there!
Election Day Bake Sale - Nov 8, 2022
10/27/2022 5:47 pm
Apple cake. Brownies. Cookies. Muffins. It's the 2022 FMS Election Day Bake Sale! Get those ovens and mixing bowls fired up to bake (or just buy something) and donate goods to be sold. Volunteer to staff the table for an hour or two (or the whole day). Tell your friends and neighbors to stop by and purchase something yummy!
International Festival & Potluck - Nov 4, 2022
10/24/2022 6:08 pm
All Morse Students and Families are invited to the Morse School International Festival & Potluck! Friends of the Morse School is hosting this annual event on Friday, November 4, 2022 from 6-8 pm at the Morse School. Join us for a delicious evening full of fun to experience our diverse community! Bring a dish to contribute to the potluck dinner and sample the dishes from other families. Participate in a variety of activities and earn raffle tickets. Watch the special entertainment at 7 pm. Stick around for the free raffle drawing at the end of the evening!
Fall Clothing Exchange 2022
9/2/2022 8:29 am
Why buy new? Need warmer clothes for your Morsels as fall approaches? Have kid clothes that don't fit anymore? Make earth-friendly and wallet-friendly decisions and support our community at the same time. Donate any summer and fall clothing you don't need, and take any items you need or want. Open to the entire Morse School community. No need to donate to participate!
Welcome Back Family Picnic, 2022 Style
8/19/2022 2:57 pm
💙💛 WELCOME BACK MORSE FAMILIES 💛💙 Meet new friends. Catch up with old friends you haven't seen all summer. Sign up for FMS emails (if you haven't done so already). All Morse families are invited to the Welcome Back picnic at the Morse School playground on Friday, Sep 16 from 5-7 pm. Pack and bring your picnic dinner, have something delivered from a local eatery, or stop by for a quick hello and then head out for your usual Friday evening dinner routine. See you there!